About Us
The Redbridge Dyslexia Support Group is a voluntarily run
organisation, run by parents and teachers of children with specific
learning difficulties including dyslexia. Our aim is to support
individuals, families and professionals who have an interest in this
The group was formed in 1997. We hold free public meetings (at least
once a year) about issues of interest.
We operate a free helpline (with answer-phone) and a webpage.
We have run a Saturday club for families of dyslexia children where
parents/carers could meet a local adviser.
We were awarded £2000 from Capital Radio's 'Help a London Child' and
were able to offer subsidised places on a 'Touch, Type, Read and
Spell' course, which operated in partnership with the Redbridge
Teachers' Centre.
We have been awarded two grants (over £45,000) by the Government
financed 'Children's Fund' (2003-2006). This has allowed us to employ
2 dyslexia consultants who have trained a number of teachers and LSAs
across the Borough of Redbridge, to recognise dyslexia and teach them
in small groups.
This project has operated in over 15 schools in the borough. It
received a good report by external evaluaters. The children found the
lessons fun and made good progress with reading and spelling. There is
a measurable increase in self-esteem.
We have a track record of successful bids for grants from a range of
sources. This enables us to apply for more grants, but need more
members on our steering group committee to allow us to run more
This is mainly an answer-phone service, but they will try to return
the calls as quickly as possible.
020 8554 5889 (Ruth)
07534 990 973 (Maureen)